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You are viewing the full details of Grinch, who is member id: PP2136
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Grinch is 35, and living in Birmingham, which is in the Central of the UK.

Grinch's Profile
Oh, is this thing on?

Ahem. Hello. This is where I should tell you about myself I feel. It seems sensible to do so. I could spend this entire profile talking about Hegel, but that strikes me as somewhat unproductive. And I'd have to crib it all off the wiki, so maybe not.

I am a post-chaote, which is a term I made up. In an ideal world, it would mean that I had a fully worked out critique of where chaos magic has ended up, with a ten point plan of what to redeem and what to discard to move forward. In actuality, it means that I'm a shrewish cynic, who sits it the pub bitching about Peter Carroll. (If you actually care, I can give you the proper critique, unfinished though it is. But be warned this particular soapbox is a lot easier to get me on than off). My practise is very urban-based (I'm fond of walking through empty streets in the wee small hours) and is also influenced by Situationism.

I'm stupidly verbose. However, if you're reading this it means you got through the last paragraph at least. I also have an opinion on absolutely everything.

Behind my thin veneer of ironic hipster cool, I'm basically a geek. Comics. Playing around on the Internet. Roleplaying games. Reading books about the English Civil War for pleasure. I am however a geek with at least vague pretensions to social skills, so we can be thankful for small mercies.

Note that the "favourites" section is a random pick of "stuff I like" and is likely to change by the day, or possibly the hour. Especially as regards music. Music is, after all, entirely contextual.

I really shouldn't have decided to write this after a night out clubbing on no sleep. This is why I can't have nice things.

So, what am I looking for? Meh. I like stuff that is cool and fun and don't like stuff that is uncool and boring. As do we all. I tend to live heavily in the moment, so this kind of question is difficult for me. Really, I'm mostly into chatting with people and if anything develops to let it do so naturally. Getting on with potential partners as friends is the main thing for me. And, y'know, friends I don't sleep with are also welcome. I'm also non-mono (I refuse to call myself polyamorous because Latin and Greek do NOT mix, dammit) but prefer to work out the exact details depending on specific relationships, as opposed to having some kind of 'rulebook'.

If you're still reading this, I am both flattered and somewhat startled. I'll probably end up rewriting it entirely over the next few days anyway.

Acta est fabula, plaudite!

Additions questions answered
Hair colour:Blue
Eye colour:Blue
I would classify my body shape as:Punk Rock.
I would classify my personallity as:Intense without being serious
My musical tastes are:Punk/Indie/Rock/Folk The vague undefined 'alternative' genre.
My most favorite song is:Electric Six- It's Showtime/New Model Army- Family/Half Man Half Biscuit- Totnes Bickering Faire
The best film ever made was:This is Spinal Tap
My favorite book is:League of Extrordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore/Archer's Goon by Diana Wynne Jones
Do I smoke:Yes. Because it's big, clever and makes me look cool.
Do I drink:A couple of pints socially. I don't get drunk.
My favorite meal is:The bitter tears of my defeated enemies. (Oh, honestly. Do you actually care what I answer to this?)
Do I have pets:Not currently. However, if you hate cats, we're probably not going to get on.
Do I have children:No
My Pagan Path is:Post chaote. See the profile for details.
My ideal first date would be:Going round to Chris Moyles' house and shouting abuse through his letterbox.
Sun Sign?Aries

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