Rebecca Jasmine is 33, and living in Greater London/kent , which is in the South East of the UK.
Rebecca Jasmine's Profile Love is when summer sends her warmth and flowers to us after the bitter winter is just a memory,
it is the warmth and glow you share and you feel everyone you meet is your sister, brother,child, friend, mother, father, lover...
when you hear you favourite song and your spirits rise,
every flower is a kiss and there are millions!
that the beautiful scented flowers you pass, blosomed for you,
that no-one can get you down because you feel so strong,
that you are a child of love and a spiritual warrior,
that love is the most powerful thing on earth,
that all living things respond to it,
that hate is just a powerfull need to feel loved and secure,
that fear is no part of love but trust is ,
that all love is good love.
that you like me are in love...with the universe, though no-one in love with me....Im still waiting for you xxx |